2013年4月25日 星期四

漿果郵票(續2)--以臺灣茶藨子、福木、咖啡、耳葉菝契為題材,規劃「漿果郵票(續2)」1組4枚的中華民國郵票。發行日期 102/04/17;Stamp Name : Def.136 Berries Postage Stamps (Continued II) ; a third set featuring Ribes formosanum, Garcinia subelliptica, coffea arabica, and Smilax ocreata,First day of issue: 2013-04-17

郵票名稱 136漿果郵票(2)
發行日期 102/04/17

二、福木(面值15元):又名福樹。全臺各地普遍栽植,自生於臺灣南部海邊及綠島。為常綠中小喬木,因葉形、葉色酷似日本古代貨幣「小判」而得名。葉長橢圓形或橢圓形,全緣,革質。雌雄異株, 89月間雌株開花結果,花色黃白。漿果為扁球形或近似球形,成熟後呈橙黃色,不可食用。



  1. 首日封 每個新臺幣2
  2. 貼票卡 每張新臺幣5
  3. 護票卡 每張新臺幣5
  4. 活頁集郵卡(含護卡套每張新臺幣8
  5. 預銷首日戳低值封 每個新臺幣3
  6. 預銷首日戳套票封 每個新臺幣55

Stamp Name : Def.136 Berries Postage Stamps (Continued II)
First day of issue: 2013-04-17

    Chunghwa Post previously released two sets of stamps on berries on January 12, 2012 and January 17, 2013. Now it is following up with a third set featuring Ribes formosanum, Garcinia subelliptica, coffea arabica, and Smilax ocreata. The designs follow:
  1. Ribes formosanum (NT$1): The plant is also known as Formosan gooseberry or Formosan currant. Found at altitudes of 3,000-3,900 meters on Mt. QilaiMt. Xue, and Mt. Hehuan, it is most often seen under stands of fir near Mt. Xue’s eastern summit. A deciduous bush, its leaves are broad and round. Its flowers are white with pale green sepals. The berries are oval or spherical and look like little lanterns. When ripe, they are red and edible, with a sweet and tart taste.
  2. Garcinia subelliptica (NT$15): Also known as fukugi mangosteen, it is planted throughout Taiwanand native to the southern coast and Green Island. A small to medium evergreen tree, it takes its Chinese name (fortune tree) from its leaves, which resemble ancient Japanese coins in their color and shape. The plant’s leathery leaves are elliptical in shape. The species is dioecious, and female plants flower in August and September. The berries turn orange-yellow when ripe, and they are not edible.
  3. Coffea arabica (NT$17): Its range includes Hualien’s Wuhe, Dongshi Forest Station, Huisun Forest Station, Tainan’s Dongshan, Yunlin’s Gukeng, Chiayi’s Mt. Ali, Hsinchu, and Miaoli. The species is an evergreen shrub or small tree grown in half shade. Its leathery leaves are long and elliptical. It has a white corolla, which smells like jasmine flowers. Its berries are round or oval and turn red when ripe. Each berry contains one to two coffee beans, which are ground up to make coffee.
  4. Smilax ocreata (NT$20): This plant is found in forests, shrubby areas, the shady sides of mountain valleys, and humid slopes at altitudes of around 1,500 meters. A vine-like shrub, it has ovate to elliptical leaves. It features axillary umbels, each consisting of 10 to 30 short flower stalks. Its berries are round and yellowish green when they first appear. When ripe, they turn dark red and are edible.

 (1) First Day Cover: NT$2 apiece.
 (2) Folder: NT$5 apiece.
 (3) Folder with mount: NT$5 apiece.
 (4) Loose-leaf album page: NT$8 apiece.
 (5)Pre-cancelled FDC affixed with one NT$1 denominated stamp: NT$3 apiece.
 (6) Pre-cancelled FDC affixed with a complete set of stamps: NT$55 apiece.
To purchase the relative philatelic products, please go directly to the post office branches, or order on line at http://stamp.post.g

