為介紹水滸傳精彩內容,繼民國101年4月25日發行「 中國古典小說郵票─水滸傳」後,本公司續以「智取大名府」、「 石碣受天文」、「梁山受招安」及「揮軍破大遼」為主題發行102 年版。
一、智取大名府(面值5元):梁山泊宋江等人設計「玉麒麟」 盧俊義入夥,不料盧俊義與石秀先後被擒,監禁於大名府。 智多星吳用定計營救,馬步軍兵並出,順利攻佔大名府,救出盧、石 2人。
二、石碣受天文(面值5元):宋江建醮祭天,至第7日晚上, 忽聽得天上一聲響,一道火光逕入地下。宋江命人掘地開挖, 見一石碣,上書「替天行道」、「忠義雙全」,並鐫有36天罡及7 2地煞名號。
三、梁山受招安(面值10元):宋江雖任梁山首領, 然始終以忠義為心,一心想接受朝廷招安,報效國家。 適逢遼國起兵作亂,宋徽宗差太尉宿元景前往梁山招安。從此, 梁山好漢歸順朝廷,為國效命。
四、揮軍破大遼(面值25元):北方大遼興兵犯宋, 徽宗派遣宋江領兵征勦。一路攻城克地,逼進燕京之地。「 太乙混天象」戰陣中關勝青龍刀斬砍兀顏光,宋軍大獲全勝, 遼國乞降歸順。
1.首日封 每個新臺幣2元
2.貼票卡 每張新臺幣5元
3.護票卡 每張新臺幣5元
4.活頁集郵卡(含護卡套) 每張新臺幣8元
5.預銷首日戳低值封 每個新臺幣7元
6.預銷首日戳套票封 每個新臺幣47元
Sp.588 Chinese Classic Novel“Outlaws of the Marsh”Postage stamps (Issue of 2013)
First day of issue: 2013-05-10
To heighten readers’ interest in the absorbing “Outlaws of the Marsh,” Chunghwa Post is issuing another set of postage stamps following its predecessor issued on April 25, 2012. The stamps feature "Capturing Daming Prefecture b y Ruse," "Heavenly Inscriptions on Stele," "Liangshan Outlaws Granted Imperial Amnesty," and "Successful Expedition against Liao Empire."
The designs follow:
1. Capturing Daming Prefecture by Ruse (NT$5): Song Jiang and the gang of Liangshan Marsh devise a plan to enlist “Jade Unicorn” Lu Junyi to join their band of brothers. But Lu and Shi Xiu are captured successively and imprisoned in Daming Prefecture. Wu Yong, nicknamed “Resourceful Star,” conceives a rescue plan. Under the joint forces of cavalry and foot soldiers, they take over Daming Prefecture, and successfully free Lu and Shi.
2. Heavenly Inscriptions on Stele (NT$5): In thanking the gods, Song Jiang hosts a sacrificial offering to the deities. On the seventh evening, a deafening crack explodes from the skies, and a beam of blaze splits the ground. After excavating this area, a stele is revealed with the inscriptions of “enforcing justice on behalf of Heaven” and “loyalty and righteousness.” The stele also features the rankings of the 36 heavenly spirits and 72 earthly fiends.
3. Liangshan Outlaws Granted Imperial Amnesty (NT$10): Song Jiang longs to be granted imperial amnesty and thus exonerated to contribute to protecting his country. At this time, the northern nation of Liao starts an uprising and Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty sends his Grand Marshall, Su Yuanjing to Liangshan with a decree of general amnesty. At that, the heroes at Liangshan surrender to the imperial court and country in upmost loyalty.
4. Successful Expedition against Liao Empire (NT$25): The Liao Empire in the north sends troops to invade Song. Emperor Huizong sends Song Jiang on an expedition to intercept the intrusion. In the formation, Guan Sheng decapitates Wu Yan Guang, Liao’s general commander. Song’s troops win a landslide victory. The Liao Empire surrenders to the imperial Song.
(1) First Day Cover: NT$2 apiece.
(2) Folder: NT$5 apiece
(3) Folder with mount: NT$5 apiece.
(4) Loose-leaf album page: NT$8 apiece.
(5) Pre-cancelled FDC affixed with one NT$5-denominated stamp: NT$7 apiece.
(6) Pre-cancelled FDC affixed with a complete set of stamps: NT$47 apiece.
To purchase the relative philatelic products, please go directly to the post office branches, or order on line at http://stamp.post.gov.tw.