2014年3月2日 星期日

故宮經典文物郵票Classic Artifacts from the National Palace Museum----琺瑯彩瓷黃地芝蘭壽石圖碗、青瓷雙魚洗、鬥彩夔龍蓋罐、白瓷嬰兒枕、玉鰲魚花插、紫地粉彩花卉蓋盒、翠玉白菜、肉形石、蓮花式溫碗、毛公鼎,發行日期102年11月22日, http://stamp.post.gov.tw .

140 故宮經典文物郵票-個人化郵票

◎所屬類別-主別常用郵票 ◎所屬類別-所有類別 古物 ◎ 發行日期 102/11/22  ◎ 票幅 40 × 32(毫米) ◎承印者 中華彩色印刷股份有限公司  ◎設計者 集思創意顧問股份有限公司 ◎全張枚數 24× 4) ◎刷色彩色 ◎印法 平版 ◎用紙 燐光郵票紙 ◎背膠 有 ◎齒度 121/2

一、清 雍正 琺瑯彩瓷黃地芝蘭壽石圖碗(面值5):造型精巧,碗外壁面施以黃色琺瑯料,並彩繪靈芝、蘭、紅果、奇石,線條生動優雅。
二、南宋—元 龍泉窯 青瓷雙魚洗(面值5):淺腹折沿洗,圈足,器裡貼飾模印浮拱的雙魚紋。全器釉色粉青濃潤。
三、明 成化 天字款 鬥彩夔龍蓋罐(面值5):全器紋飾用釉下青花勾勒輪廓線,蓋面畫一夔龍蟠繞,罐腹繪二夔龍。平底中書青花「天」字楷款。
四、北宋 定窯 白瓷嬰兒枕(面值5):以孩童造形為枕,男童曲肱伏臥榻上,頭側伏在交疊的手上,孩童低平的背面為枕面。
五、明 玉鰲魚花插(面值5):外形為一魚自水中奮力躍出,魚身縱向,魚首部位已成龍形。全器寓意「魚躍龍門」吉兆。
六、清 光緒 大雅齋款 紫地粉彩花卉蓋盒(面值5):以「大雅齋」為記的豔麗瓷器承繼了盛清時期琺瑯彩用色,但大膽地以紫色為地,更見新意。
七、清 翠玉白菜(面值12):本器利用玉的原色施以巧雕,綠色部分琢為菜葉,白色處施作菜身,葉上並雕琢螽斯及蝗蟲各1
八、北宋 汝窯 蓮花式溫碗(面值12):碗呈十瓣蓮花式,腹壁稍呈圓弧,直口稍斂,口緣花瓣流暢貫連。
九、清 肉形石(面值12):一層層不同色澤、質感豐富的石材經工匠施以加工,遂成毛孔和肌理逼真、肥瘦層次分明的作品。
十、西周晚期 毛公鼎(面值12)2,800年前的宗廟祭器,內鑄500長銘,為研究西周史最珍貴的文獻。

1.首日封(大型)        每個新臺幣3
貼票卡           每張新臺幣8
護票卡         每張新臺幣8
活頁集郵卡(含護卡套)   每張新臺幣16
原圖明信片             每套新臺幣100
預銷首日戳封           每個新臺幣81
預銷原圖明信片         每套新臺幣178
故宮經典文物郵票專冊   每冊新臺幣500

顧客如有需要,請向全國各地郵局洽購,或上網至「中華郵政集郵電子商城」(http://stamp.post.gov.tw  )瀏覽訂購。

Def.140 Personal Greeting Stamps - Classic Artifacts from the National Palace Museum
First day of issue: November 22, 2013

 Stamp Cat Standard: Definitive Stamps  Stamp Cat : Antiques  First day of issue: 2013-11-22   Dimension of stamps(mm.) 40 × 32mm) ◎Printer: China Color Printing Co., Ltd.  Sheet composition : 24× 4)◎Color: Colorful Process: Intaglio  Paper used: Phosphorescent stamp paper   Perforation: 121/2
To offer its customers a greater variety of choices of personal greeting stamps, Chunghwa Post is releasing a set of ten stamps featuring artifacts from the National Palace Museum collection.

The designs follow :

1.    Bowl with orchid and rocks in yellow ground of falangcai painted enamels, Qing dynasty, Yongzheng reign 1723-1735 (NT$5): An exquisite bowl, its exterior is painted with yellow enamel and decorated with reishi mushrooms, orchids, red fruit, and rocks.
2.    Washer with two-fish design in relief, Longquan ware, Southern Song to Yuan dynasties, 13th-14th century (NT$5): This shallow washer has a flat everted rim and a ring foot. The interior of the washer features a pair of fish in relief. The washer is covered in a soft yet rich green glaze.
3.    Lidder jar with dragon in doucai polychrome, Ming dynasty, Chenghua reign 1465-1487 (NT$5): The design of the jar is outlined in underglaze blue. The lid is decorated with a green dragon. The body of the jar is painted with two dragons. The base is marked with a tian () character which means sky.
4.    Pillow in the shape of a recumbent child with white glaze, Ding ware, 11th - 12th century (NT$5): This pillow is shaped like a little boy lying face down on a mattress, with head laying on his crossed and bent arms. The low and flat back of the child serves as the place where a head will lie on the pillow.
5.    Fish-creature flower holder, Ming dynasty (NT$5): The flower holder is made to resemble a fish that is struggling to leap out of water. The fish’s head has transformed into a dragon. The vessel symbolizes “a fish leaping through the dragon’s gate,” a popular Chinese idiom that indicates a successful effort.
6.    Covered box with floral decoration in purple ground and fencai enamels, Qing dynasty, Guangxu reign, 1874-1908 (NT$5): Marked with the Da-ya Studio, this box follows the use of Falangcai colors from the golden age of the Qing Dynasty, except that it boldly uses purple as the ground.
7.    Jadeite cabbage with insects, Qing dynasty (NT$12): This piece makes clever use of the jade’s original colors by carving the green part of the jade into the cabbage leaves and the white part into the stalk. There is one katydid and one locust on the leaves.
8.    Lotus-shaped warming bowl in light bluish-green glaze, Ru ware, late 11th - early 12th century (NT$12): This bowl is shaped to resemble a lotus flower with ten petals. The side of the bowl is gently curved with a subtly flaring rim. The transition from one petal lobe to the next is very smooth.
9.    Meat-shaped stone, Qing dynasty (NT$12): The stone used for this piece is characterized by its different color layers. The creator made use of this special characteristic and turned it into a chunk of delicious stewed pork with clear layers of skin, fat, and lean meat, completed with vivid pores on the skin.
10. Mao-gong Ding, late Western Zhou dynasty (NT$12): Mao-gong Ding is a Chinese ritual vessel from some 2,800 years ago. The interior of the vessel has a 500-character inscription, which serves as precious documentation for historical research about the Western Zhou.

(1) FDC in large size: NT$3 apiece
(2) Folder (with or without mount): NT$8 apiece
(3) Loose-leaf album page: NT$16 apiece
(4) Maximum cards: NT$100 a set
(5) Pre-cancelled FDC affixed with a complete set of stamps: NT$81 apiece.
(6) Pre-cancelled maximum cards: NT$178 a set
(7) Stamp pictorial: NT$500 a copy

To purchase the relative philatelic products, please go directly to the post office branches, or order on line at  http://stamp.post.gov.tw .

