2012年10月19日 星期五

玩具總動員郵票--卡通動畫郵票小全張,中華郵政集郵電子商城 stampmall@edm.post.gov.tw,發行日期:民國101年10月23日

中華郵政集郵電子商城 stampmall@edm.post.gov.tw

Cartoon Animation Souvenir Sheets - Toy Story
First day of issue: 2012-10-23
To inspire interest in philately among youths, Chunghwa Post features “Toy Story,” an animated movie popular among youngsters, as the subject of two self-adhesive souvenir sheets. Each souvenir sheet includes three NT$5-denominated stamps, and two NT$12-denominated stamps.
A series of 3 “Toy Story” were released from 1995 to 2010. “Toy Story 3” won Best Animated Feature Film of the Year in the Academy Award. The films follow the amazing adventures of young boy Andy’s toys to highlight the value of friendship, faith and trust. The souvenir sheets feature the animated characters of the films: Woody, Buzz Lightyear, Jessie, Hamm, Rex, Bullseye, Aliens, Mr. Pricklepants, Peas-in-a-Pod, Lots-o’-Huggin’ Bear, Trixie and Buttercup. Illustrations of the colorful indoors and outdoors of the animated films serve as the backgrounds of the souvenir sheets; the magical cinematic moments are immortalized in tiny squares of the stamp.

