2014年3月2日 星期日

馬年郵票Horses Postage Stamps--一、面值3.5元郵票:昂揚的駿馬闊步前行,象徵「好的開始」。 二、面值13元郵票:躍動的馬兒昂首回盼,象徵「馬到成功」。 三、面值12元小全張:雙馬奔馳,祥雲繚繞,象徵「諸事順利」。發行日期102年12月02日, http://stamp.post.gov.tw‧

 598 新年郵票 (102年版)

◎ 所屬類別-主別 特種郵票 ◎ 所屬類別-所有類別 年俗,生肖,神話
◎ 發行日期 102/12/02 ◎ 票幅 34 × 26毫米) ◎ 小全張張幅 110 × 76(毫米) ◎ 承印者 卡登實業股份有限公司 ◎ 設計者 曾凱智 ◎ 全張枚數 20(5 × 4) ◎ 刷色 彩色 ◎ 印法 平版 ◎ 用紙 燐光郵票紙 ◎ 背膠 有 ◎ 齒度 13

為迎接新年來臨,本公司續採值年生肖圖案,發行「新年郵票 (102年版)12枚及小全張1張。本組郵票圖案生動活潑,駿馬以闊步、奔騰之姿傳達新年熱鬧吉祥的氣氛。粉黃色背景及祥雲襯托活力充沛的馬兒,象徵馬年生氣蓬勃,好運連連。圖案簡介如下:

為增添收藏價值與集郵樂趣,續製作「新年郵票 (102年版)刷全張」郵品,於同日發售,郵品內含未裁切之面值3.5元及13元郵票全張(20枚)各2張及證書1份,全張紙邊均保留印製過程所標記之色標、裁切線等記號,以專用典藏圓筒收納。本項郵品自98年起系列發行,數量有限,深值典藏。又本項郵品發售時不適用優惠折扣辦法。

1.首日封           每個新臺幣2
2.首日封(大型)         每個新臺幣3
3.貼票卡        每張新臺幣5
4.護票卡        每張新臺幣5
5.小全張護票卡         每張新臺幣8
7.預銷首日戳低值封     每個新臺幣5.5
8.預銷首日戳套票封     每個新臺幣18.5
9.預銷首日戳小全張封   每個新臺幣15
10.印刷全張郵品        每個新臺幣1,000
顧客如有需要,請向全國各地郵局洽購,或上網至「中華郵政集郵電子商城」   ( http://stamp.post.gov.tw )瀏覽訂購(印刷全張郵品除外)

Sp.598 New Years Greeting Postage Stamps (Issue of 2013)
First day of issue : December 2, 2013

 Stamp Cat Standard: Specail Stamps   Stamp Cat : Lunar New Year,Zodiac,Myth  First day of issue: 2013-12-02   Dimension of stamps(mm.) 34 × 26mm    Size of souvenir Sheet(mm.) 110 × 76mm)◎ Printer: Cardon Enterprise Co., Ltd.  Sheet composition : 20× 4    Color: Colorful    Process: Offset  Paper used: Phosphorescent stamp paper  Perforation: 13

To welcome in 2014, the year of the horse, Chunghwa Post is releasing a set of two stamps and a souvenir sheet featuring the upcoming year’s animal sign. The vividly depicted striding and galloping horses convey a sense of New Year’s festiveness and auspiciousness. The pastel yellow background and magical clouds provide the perfect backdrop for the vigorous horses. The images symbolize the youthful vitality of the year of the horse, and a coming year of steady good fortune. The designs follow:
1. NT$3.5 stamp: A high-spirited strapping steed strides forward, representing a good beginning.
2. NT$13 stamp: A jumping horse turns its head up for a backward look, symbolizing "success."
3. NT$12 souvenir sheet: Two horses, galloping amid auspicious clouds, symbolize that "all is going smoothly."
Two press sheets, stored in a poster tube, will be also released on the same day. Each of these uncut sheets comprises two panes of 20 stamps, with denominations of NT$3.5 and NT$13 each. Printer’s markings remain on the sheet margin. A certificate of authenticity is also included in the tube. Launched in 2009, this series of philatelic items are produced in limited quantities and very much worth collecting.
Chunghwa Post is following up with a "New Year’s Greeting Postage Stamps (Issue of 2013)" press sheet. This item will be available at the Postal Museum and the following post office branches: Taipei Beimen Post Office, Beitou Post Office, Neihu Post Office, Nangang Post Office, Muzha Post Office, Keelung Aisan Rd. Post Office, Banqiao Wunhua Rd. Post Office, Xindian Post Office, Shulin Post Office, Sanchong Zhongshan Rd. Post Office, Danshuei Post Office, Xinzhuang Post Office, Taoyuan Chenggong Rd. Post Office, Zhongli Jianguo Rd. Post Office, Longtan Post Office, Yangmei Post Office, Hsinchu Wuchang St. Post Office, Miaoli Zhongmiao Post Office, Taichung Minqyuan Rd. Post Office, Fongyuan Zhongzheng Rd. Post Office, Changhwa Zhongyang Rd. Post Office, Yuanlin Post Office, Nantou Sanhe Post Office, Douliou Xiping Rd. Post Office, Chiayi Wunhua Rd. Post Office, Chiayi Yushan Post Office, Tainan Chenggong Rd. Post Office, Xinying Zhongshan Rd. Post Office, Jiali Post Office, Xinxing Post Office, Fongshan Zhongshan East Rd. Post Office, Gangshan Post Office, Pingtung Minsheng Rd. Post Office, Yilan Zhongshan Rd. Post Office, Luodong Post Office, Hualien Guoan Post Office, Taitung Datong Rd. Post Office, Magong Zhongzheng Rd. Post Office.

(1) FDC: NT$2 apiece.
(2) FDC in large size: NT$3 apiece.
(3) Folder (with and without mount): NT$5 apiece.
(4) Folder with mount for one souvenir sheet: NT$8 apiece.
(5) Loose leaf philatelic card: NT$16 apiece
(6) Pre-cancelled FDC affixed with one NT$3.5-denominated stamp: NT$5.5 apiece.
(7) Pre-cancelled FDC affixed with one complete set of stamps: NT$18.5 apiece.
(8) Pre-cancelled FDC affixed with one souvenir sheet: NT$15 apiece.
(9) Uncut press sheets in one poster tube: NT$1,000 a unit. No discount for large quantity orders.

To purchase the relative philatelic products, please go directly to the post office branches, or order on line at  http://stamp.post.gov.tw (Except Uncut press sheets in a poster tube).

