近年來,由於全球人口成長及氣候變遷,人類面臨糧食短缺的危機。 為喚起大眾愛惜糧食,本公司特以稻、小米、玉米、小麥4種禾本科 植物為題材發行郵票1組4枚。郵票圖案簡介如下:
一、稻(面值5元):1年生草本植物。葉細長,具平行脈, 覆有細毛;
圓錐花序;果實成熟時呈金黃色,種子為乳白色。 性喜溫暖多雨的氣候。臺灣主要栽培區域在彰化縣、 雲林縣與嘉義縣,為國人主要糧食作物。
二、小米(面值7元):1年生草本植物。 葉片披針形或線狀披針形,先端尖長,基部近圓形;穗狀圓錐花序; 果實為卵形或圓球形。適宜種植於氣候溫暖、雨量適中的低海拔處。 臺灣主要栽培區域在東部地區,為原住民部落常見的糧食作物。
三、玉米(面值10元):1年生草本植物。雌雄同株,異花授粉, 雄花生於莖頂,雌花生於莖腋;果實為黃色或白色。 適合種植於氣溫較高、日照較少的農田或坡地。 臺灣主要栽培區域在竹苗地區及嘉南平原,除供食用, 亦為重要飼料作物。
四、小麥(面值25元):1年生春小麥或越年生冬小麥。 葉片長線形;穗狀花序直立;果實為橢圓形或卵圓形。 臺灣主要栽培區域在臺中市潭子區、大雅區、 西屯區及彰化縣秀水鄉、福興鄉一帶。常用於製作各式麵粉製品, 亦為釀酒、醬油、醋之原料。
Food Crop Postage Stamps - Grains
First day of issue: 2013-03-05
Human overpopulation and the increasingly exacerbating climate change have led to eminent food crisis. To heighten awareness of cherishing foods, Chunghwa Post is issuing a set of four stamps each featuring a type of gramineous plants, including Oryza sativa, Setaria italica, Zea mays, and Triticum aestivum. The designs follow:
1. Oryza sativa (NT$5): Commonly known as rice, it is an annual, herbaceous plant. The rice has long, slender leaves, with parallel veins, and covered with minute hairs. The flowers are arranged in panicles. When mature, the fruit is golden yellow in color, and the seed, milky white. Rice prefers warm and rainy weather. In Taiwan, rice is grown primarily in Changhua, Yunlin and Chiayi Counties. It is also a staple food for the people of Taiwan.
2. Setaria italica (NT$7): Commonly known as millet, it is an annual, herbaceous plant. Lanceolate or linear-lanceolate in shape, the tip of the blade is pointy and slender, and the base is roundish. The flowers are arranged in a spike panicle. The fruits are either oval- or globose-shaped. Millet is a crop suitable for warm season areas at the low altitude. InTaiwan, the crop is chiefly cultivated in the eastern part of the country and a common staple food for the aborigines.
3. Zea mays (NT$10): Commonly known as maize, it is an annual, herbaceous plant. Monoecious, maize is bred through cross-pollination. The male flower grows at the apex of the stem, while the female flower grows half way down the stem. The fruits are either yellow or white in color. Maize prefers farmlands or hillsides, where temperature is high and sunlight is sparse. In Taiwan, maize is planted primarily in Hsinchu, Miaoli and Jianan Plain. It is a food crop, also a vital source of fodder.
4. Triticum aestivum (NT$25): Commonly known as wheat. Depending on the growing season, there are two types of wheat: the annual spring wheat, or the winter wheat. The leaf is linearis, and the flowers are arranged in spike. The fruits are either oval- or ovate-shaped. In Taiwan, wheat is grown predominantly in Tanzi, Daya, and Xitun Districts in TaichungCity, plus Xiushui and Fuxing Townships in Changh ua County. Wheat is milled for a variety of flours; it is also a material for brewing wine, and making soy sauce and vinegar.
1. Oryza sativa (NT$5): Commonly known as rice, it is an annual, herbaceous plant. The rice has long, slender leaves, with parallel veins, and covered with minute hairs. The flowers are arranged in panicles. When mature, the fruit is golden yellow in color, and the seed, milky white. Rice prefers warm and rainy weather. In Taiwan, rice is grown primarily in Changhua, Yunlin and Chiayi Counties. It is also a staple food for the people of Taiwan.
2. Setaria italica (NT$7): Commonly known as millet, it is an annual, herbaceous plant. Lanceolate or linear-lanceolate in shape, the tip of the blade is pointy and slender, and the base is roundish. The flowers are arranged in a spike panicle. The fruits are either oval- or globose-shaped. Millet is a crop suitable for warm season areas at the low altitude. InTaiwan, the crop is chiefly cultivated in the eastern part of the country and a common staple food for the aborigines.
3. Zea mays (NT$10): Commonly known as maize, it is an annual, herbaceous plant. Monoecious, maize is bred through cross-pollination. The male flower grows at the apex of the stem, while the female flower grows half way down the stem. The fruits are either yellow or white in color. Maize prefers farmlands or hillsides, where temperature is high and sunlight is sparse. In Taiwan, maize is planted primarily in Hsinchu, Miaoli and Jianan Plain. It is a food crop, also a vital source of fodder.
4. Triticum aestivum (NT$25): Commonly known as wheat. Depending on the growing season, there are two types of wheat: the annual spring wheat, or the winter wheat. The leaf is linearis, and the flowers are arranged in spike. The fruits are either oval- or ovate-shaped. In Taiwan, wheat is grown predominantly in Tanzi, Daya, and Xitun Districts in TaichungCity, plus Xiushui and Fuxing Townships in Changh