2013年6月21日 星期五

祝賀郵票Congratulations Postage Stamps (102年版) ;發行日期: 102/05/22;採熱帶魚、天鵝、企鵝、鴛鴦為題材,以擬人化設計手法,規劃102年版1組4枚。郵票圓形主圖部分以橙色、黃色為基調,大紅底色中綴「囍」字。主圖之外則以金黃色漸層鋪陳「囍」字,傳遞祝福喜訊。



1.首日封           每個新臺幣2
2.貼票卡           每張新臺幣5
3.護票卡           每張新臺幣5
4.活頁集郵卡(含護卡套)  每張新臺幣8
5.預銷首日戳低值封     每個新臺幣5.5
6.預銷首日戳套票封     每個新臺幣19

Sp.589 Congratulations Postage Stamps (Issue of 2013)
First day of issue: 2013-05-22

Chunghwa Post released a set of “Congratulations Postage Stamps” in 2012. Now it is following up with a second set of four stamps, each featuring one pair of tropical fish, swans, penguins or mandarin ducks. The stamps have round perforated centers with a predominately orange and yellow color scheme, with a red background that features the double-happiness character (), which is commonly used in Chinese culture to celebrate marriage. The area surrounding the round center features a grid of double-happiness characters, which convey a sense of glad tidings.

The designs follow
1. Tropical Fish (NT$3.5): A pair of enraptured tropical fish is sealing their love with a kiss. The moving scene conveys the idea of “angelic lovers being lifted to the clouds.”
2. Swans (NT$3.5): The male swan wears a crown and the female swan a lace bridal veil. The scene demonstrates the idea of loving bonds that last “till death do them part.” The atmosphere is romantic and sweetly beautiful.
3. Penguins (NT$5): The male penguin wears a bowtie and dons a stovepipe hat and the female wears a lace bridal veil. The illustration symbolizes the idea of happiness and love everlasting.
4. Mandarin ducks (NT$5): The female duck bashfully turns her head to look at the male, symbolizing that they will be together through thick and thin over the journey of their lives.

(1) First Day Cover: NT$2 apiece.
(2) Folderwith or without mount: NT$5 apiece.
(3) Loose-leaf album page: NT$8 apiece.
(4) Pre-cancelled FDC affixed with one NT$3.5-denominated stamp: NT$5.5 apiece.
(5) Pre-cancelled FDC affixed with a complete set of stamps: NT$19 apiece.
To purchase the relative philatelic products, please go directly to the post office branches, or order on line at http://stamp.post.gov.tw.

