胡椒薄荷郵票Mentha × piperita Stamp
迷迭香郵票 Rosmarinus officinalis Stamp Stamp
鳳梨鼠尾草郵票 Salvia elegans Stamp
艾草郵票 Artemisia indica Stamp
近年來,種植、利用及鑒賞香草植物蔚為流行。 為介紹香草植物之美,本公司特以胡椒薄荷、迷迭香、 鳳梨鼠尾草及艾草為題材規劃郵票1組4枚。
一、胡椒薄荷 (面值5元):唇形科多年生草本植物。葉對生, 卵形或橢圓形;花為白色或粉紅色呈花輪狀生長。可食用及藥用, 亦常用於精油、殺菌和驅蟲。
二、迷迭香 (面值5元):唇形科多年生常綠灌木。葉對生, 狹長形,濃綠帶有光澤;花色有藍、白、粉紅等。可食用及藥用, 亦常用於精油和沐浴用品。
三、鳳梨鼠尾草 (面值12元):唇形科多年生草本植物。 葉卵形或心形,經碰觸或搓揉時散發溫和甜蜜香氣;花色紅色。 可食用。
四、艾草 (面值15元):菊科多年生草本植物。葉片羽狀, 葉表綠色,葉背密生白色絨毛呈銀白色;花初開時呈淡黃色。 可食用及藥用,亦常用於精油、薰香和民俗用途。
1.首日封 每個新臺幣2元
2.貼票卡 每張新臺幣5元
3.護票卡 每張新臺幣5元
4.活頁集郵卡(含護卡套) 每張新臺幣8元
5.預銷首日戳低值封 每個新臺幣7元
6.預銷首日戳套票封 每個新臺幣39元
顧客如有需要,請向全國各地郵局訂購,或上網至「 中華郵政集郵電子商城」(http://stamp.post. gov.tw)瀏覽訂購。
Sp.590 Herb Plants Postage Stamps
First day of issue: 2013-06-11
Planting and the use of herb plants have grown to be a trend in recent years. To showcase the enchanting beauty of these multipurpose plants, Chunghwa Post is issuing a set of four stamps featuring Mentha × piperita, Rosmarinus officinalis, Salvia elegans, and Artemisia indica.
The designs follow:
1. Mentha × piperita (NT$5): It is a perennial herbaceous plant of the family Lamiaceae. The plant has opposite, ovate or oval-shaped leaves. The flowers are either white or pink, and grown in whorls. It is edible, medicinally useful, and a common ingredient in essential oils, pesticides and pest repellants.
2. Rosmarinus officinalis (NT$5): It is a woody, perennial plant of the family Lamiaceae. The leaves are opposite, long and narrow; the colors are rich green, with a pleasant sheen. The flowers are blue, white or pink. The plant is edible and extensively used for medicinal purposes. It is also a common ingredient in essential oils and bath products.
3. Salvia elegans (NT$12): It is a perennial herbaceous plant of the family Lamiaceae. The leaves are either ovate or heart-shaped; they emit a mild, fruity fragrance when brushed or rubbed. The flowers are red. The plant is edible.
4. Artemisia indica (NT$15): It is a perennial herbaceous plant of the family Asteraceae. The leaves are pinnate, green, with dense white tomentose hairs on the underside. When they just bloom, the flowers are light yellow. The plant is edible and a medicinal herb. It is also used in essential oils, scenting, and folk practices.
(1) First Day Cover: NT$2 apiece.
(2) Folder(with or without mount): NT$5 apiece.
(3) Loose-leaf album page: NT$8 apiece.
(4) Pre-cancelled FDC affixed with one NT$5-denominated stamp: NT$7 apiece.
(5) Pre-cancelled FDC affixed with a complete set of stamps: NT$39 apiece.
To purchase the relative philatelic products, please go directly to the post office branches, or order on line at http://stamp.post.gov.tw.