蔣宋美齡女士生於民國前13年,幼年即赴美求學, 畢業於衛斯理女子學院。民國16年與先總統蔣中正先生結縭, 攜手為國奮鬥。民國92年病逝,享壽105歲。
蔣宋美齡女士一生跨越3個世紀,經歷開國、抗戰、戡亂等時期。 第二次世界大戰期間,應邀赴美國國會演講,成功爭取外援; 陪同先總統蔣中正先生出席開羅會議,確保我國領土完整等, 卓有貢獻。民國39年成立中華民國婦女聯合會, 呼籲婦女服務國家社會, 其後創辦華興育幼院及籌設振興復健醫學中心等,照顧遺孤, 醫護傷病。為緬懷蔣宋美齡女士對國家社會的奉獻, 本公司特以其肖像結合畫作規劃郵票1枚。
1.首日封 每個新臺幣2元
2.貼票卡 每張新臺幣5元
3.護票卡 每張新臺幣5元
4.活頁集郵卡(含護卡套) 每張新臺幣8元
5.預銷首日戳封 每個新臺幣14 元
顧客如有需要,請向全國各地郵局洽購,或上網至「 中華郵政集郵電子商城」(http://stamp.post. gov.tw)瀏覽訂購。
Sp.595 Chiang Soong Mayling Portrait Postage Stamp
First day of issue: September 12, 2013
Born in 1899, Chiang Soong Mayling, who is also known as Madame Chiang Kai-shek, went to the US to study when she was young and graduated fromWellesley College. In 1927, she married Chiang Kai-shek, the late president of the Republic of China. She died in 2003 at the age of 105.
Chiang Soong Mayling lived in three centuries, through the founding of the republic, the Sino-Japanese war, and the Chinese Civil War. During World War II, she was invited to address the US congress and successfully obtained foreign aid. She accompanied Chiang Kai-shek to attend the Cairo Conference to ensure the republic’s territorial integrity. In 1950, she established the National Women’s League of the ROC and called on women to serve the nation and the society. Later, she founded the Hua Hsing Children’s Home and the Cheng Hsin Rehabilitation Medical Center to take care of the children of fallen soldiers and the sick. In memory of Chiang Soong Mayling’s contributions to the nation and the society, Chunghwa Post is issuing a stamp. The stamp, which will be released on September 12, 2013, features the portrait of her over her artwork.
(1) First Day Cover: NT$2 apiece.
(2) Folder(with or without mount): NT$5 apiece.
(3) Loose-leaf album page: NT$8 apiece.
(4) Pre-cancelled FDC affixed with the stamp: NT$14 apiece.
To purchase the relative philatelic products, please go directly to the post office branches, or order on line at http://stamp.post.gov.tw.