2014年3月2日 星期日

臺灣自行車道郵票Bike Paths of Taiwan Postage Stamps---1、 新北‧新店溪自行車道 , 2、 新北‧八里左岸自行車道,3、桃園‧三坑鐵馬道,4、新竹‧十七公里海岸線自行車道。發行日期102年11月08日, http://stamp.post.gov.tw

597 臺灣自行車道郵票


一、  新北‧新店溪自行車道(面值5元):車道沿新店溪而行,以碧潭風景區為起點,江子翠河口景觀河濱公園為終點,全長約15公里。碧潭至秀朗大橋間新店溪兩岸設有環狀自行車道,由造型優美的陽光橋串連,沿途可飽覽水岸的旖旎風光。
二、  新北‧八里左岸自行車道(面值5元):車道沿淡水河左岸闢建,以新北市觀音坑溪口為起點,經關渡大橋、挖子尾生態保護區、十三行博物館到八仙海岸,沿線景點結合濕地生態及人文古蹟,並可欣賞淡水河與大屯山交錯的美麗景致,全長約15公里。
三、  桃園‧三坑鐵馬道(面值10元):車道沿古老大圳而建,以大溪橋頭為起點,三坑老街為終點,全長約7公里。車道沿線有蝴蝶花廊、賞桐花徑景觀區及青錢第、永福宮等百年歷史古蹟,還可欣賞大漢溪水域風光,是一條充滿田園風情及人文知性的自行車道。
四、  (面值10元):新竹的海岸線長達17公里,生態資源豐富。車道以南寮漁港為起點,一路延伸至南港賞鳥區,行經5座風格別具的橋梁,沿途可欣賞漁港、濕地、海堤、紅樹林等景觀,堪稱北臺灣沿線風景最具特色的自行車道。。

1.首日封(大型)           每個新臺幣3
2.貼票卡                 每張新臺幣8
3.護票卡                 每張新臺幣8
4.活頁集郵卡(含護卡套)       每張新臺幣8
5.預銷首日戳低值封           每個新臺幣8
6.預銷首日戳套票封           每個新臺幣33

顧客如有需要,請向全國各地郵局洽購,或上網至「中華郵政集郵電子商城」(http://stamp.post.gov.tw) 瀏覽訂購。

Sp.597 Bike Paths of Taiwan Postage Stamps
First day of issue: November 8, 2013

Bicycle touring has taken Taiwan by storm in recent years. By combining scenic areas and local specialties into a network of tourism spots, bike paths are excellent leisure and day-tripping options. To promote green leisure activities, Chunghwa Post is issuing a set of four stamps each with an adjacent tag featuring Taiwan’s signature bike paths.

The designs follow :

1.   Xindian River Bike Path in New Taipei City (NT$5): At 15 kilometers in length, the bike path travels along Xindian River, with the Bitan Scenic Area as the starting point, and ends at Hekou Jingguan Riverside Park in Jiangzicui. Both banks sandwiching the stretch between Bitan and Xiulang Bridge have looping bike trails, connected by the graceful Yangguang Bridge, privileging cyclists to the lovely river view.
2.   Bali Zuoan Bike Path in New Taipei City (NT$5): Constructed along the left bank of Tamsui River, the path begins at the estuary of Guanyinkeng River, and runs pass Guandu Bridge, Wazihwei Nature Reserve, Shihsanhang Museum to the Formosa Fun Coast. The 15-kilometer-long path connects well-preserved wetland ecosystems and historic monuments.
3.   Sankeng Bike Path in Taoyuan (NT$10): Built along the ancient Taoyuan Irrigation System, the 7-kilometer-long path originates at the mouth of Daxi Bridge, and ends at the Sankeng Old Street. The path is dotted with the Butterfly Corridor, Tung blossoms viewing platforms, and several centennial historic monuments, such as Qingqiandi Adobe and Yongfu Temple. It also treats cyclists to the picturesque Dahan River watershed. The idylls and cultural marvels make the ride immensely gratifying.
4.   Bike Path along the 17 Kilometers of Splendid Coastline in Hsinchu (NT$10): At 17 kilometers long, the coastline in Hsinchu teems with pristine ecosystems. It begins at Nanliao Fishing Port, and ends at Nangang bird watching area. It passes five elegantly unique bridges, where fishing ports, wetlands, jetties, and mangrove swamps fill the landscape. This bike path is veritably the most postcard-perfect route in northern Taiwan.

(1) First Day Cover in large size: NT$3 apiece.
(2) Folderwith or without mount: NT$8 apiece.
(3) Loose-leaf album page: NT$8 apiece.
(4) Pre-cancelled FDC affixed with NT$5 denominated stamp: NT$8 apiece.
(5) Pre-cancelled FDC affixed with a complete set of stamps: NT$33 apiece.

To purchase the relative philatelic products, please go directly to the post office branches, or order on line at http://stamp.post.gov.tw

